Being accepted into my first brick and mortar gallery was very exciting. It came with a. lot of stress and learning. I had to pack up my painting for shipping and include a return label.
Being accepted into my first brick and mortar gallery was very exciting. It came with a lot of stress and learning. I had contacted the Lincoln Gallery in Loveland Colorado and been accepted to the National Fine Art Show 2023. I had to pack up my painting for shipping and include a return label. Just shopping around for the lowest price shipping was an adventure. I will probably do it differently next time but I got the painting there in one piece. It was strange just sending it off and then not hearing anything. I guess I could have called to see if they got it but I wasn't sure of the protocol.
Today I checked the website and excitement soared when I saw my painting on the page! Even more excitement when I realized there were only ten entries in each category. It was much more exclusive than I had expected. Tonight is the Facebook live announcement for the winners. I don't even know what I get if I win but I'm really excited to be tuning in. I'll update the blog with the results. Win or lose, being a finalist was award enough. I feel like I'm a winner just being in the gallery.
Update: Well, I didn't win. But my painting will be in the gallery until June 1, 2023. Just another step in this journey of becoming a professional artist!