I have always believed that anybody can learn to draw. It may come easier to some people than others and of course, there are people with amazing talent. However, the act of drawing an object, scene, animal, or person accurately, and making it look like that thing, is a skill anybody can learn.
Learning how to draw well takes a couple of things:
First and most importantly, it takes practice. Daily practice trains the eyes and brain to see and translate what you see into a drawing
I can't emphasize enough how important daily practice is.
Second, You have to look at things to draw them. Looking at real-life objects is ideal however it is not always realistic, especially when you are learning. Drawing from life is great but it can be hard to get the perspective right when things keep moving. Draw from photos! It is NOT cheating! When I was a young artist I used to think I was not a 'good' artist because I needed to look at something to draw it. Now I know that most artists look at things when they draw.
Use measuring tools! My favorite is a compass. I'll put a link at the end of the post to a list of drawing supplies I love.I frequently use a compass, especially when drawing people.
- Train your brain: This tip is a really good one... as you are learning try to draw without measuring, then measure your reference and see how close you were. The more you do this, the more you will train your brain to 'see' the relationship between features and objects.
Check out my Youtube channel for drawing and painting tutorials
Video #1: Learn to Draw the Dog
Video #2: Learn to Shade the Dog/ Learn How to Draw a Realistic Dog